What To Do When You See Termites Coming From Electrical Outlets: 6 Quick Things To Do

Did you see termites coming out of your electrical outlets? It is a question most people ask in shock when they hear termites are coming from any outlet. To see termites coming out of any electrical outlet sounds untrue to some people.

But if you have experienced this before, you can tell how these bugs behave. They can crawl in and out of your electrical outlet at any time.

A scene of termites in your home often looks like a horror film that you hope ends soon.

You must act fast if you see any bugs, like ants, beetles, termites, and other pests, coming out of an outlet.

Do not waste time trying to find DIY solutions. If you are unsure of the type of pest crawling from the outlet, you must take action before it is too late.

In this article, we will dive into six steps you need to take if you find termites coming from your outlets.

Let’s get right into the article.

What Can Attract Termites To An Electrical Outlet?

Here are a few things that can attract termites to an electrical outlet.

  • The first thing that can attract termites to an electrical outlet is moisture. If there is excessive moisture present in the outlet due to leakage, it will attract termites.

Termites cannot live without wood and water, so they always look for places with some. So, if your outlet has a bit of decaying wood around it, it can also attract termites.

The presence of wood shavings and other debris can also attract termites.

The reason is termites are always attracted to anything made of cellulose. The debris often contains cellulose, and that is what termites feed on. So these things can attract termites to your outlet and then get them trapped in the outlet.

  • The next thing we can discuss is cracks or gaps around your electrical outlet. Termites are very tiny. Because of their size, they can pass through any space they find in your walls to get into your house.
  • Untreated wood in your house can also attract termites to your outlet. Cellulose is the main food source for termites, but they prefer untreated ones. So wood in your house that has not gone through chemical treatment can attract termites.

If termites continue to find food in your house, they will be encouraged to build their colony close to you. They can choose any location in your house, provided they can access water and food. That is why they sometimes end up in your electrical outlet.

  • Another reason why termites like electrical outlet are because of the temperature.

Termites prefer to stay in dark areas with warm temperatures. With this condition, they can survive in the outlet for a long time.

How Did Termites Get Into My Electrical Outlet

It is a common occurrence to see termites behind electrical outlets. Termites can sneak into any electrical outlet because of their size. Termites need only a small space around any electrical outlet to get in there.

Back to the question; termites can enter your electrical outlet through cracks.

They are very tiny. Spaces that you may not suspect that termites can pass through are what they pass through to your outlet.

If you are unsure how termites get into your electrical outlet, you need an expert to help you identify them. It would help if you invited pest control officers to help you identify all the loopholes in the house.

Why Do Termites Like To Stay Behind Electrical Sockets?

Termites choose to stay behind electrical sockets for these reasons;

  • temperature,
  • protection,
  • Moisture and food.

I know this may sound weird, but I will explain.

Temperature Is A Reason Why Termites Like To Stay Behind Electrical Sockets

Research shows termites cannot survive below 25 °F or above 100 °F.

That is why termites explore to find suitable places to build their nest.

You can find termites in areas with a temperature range between 75°F and 95°F.

The electrical sockets provide the perfect temperature that termites may need to survive.

Another reason why termites like to stay behind electrical sockets is for protection. Termites build their nests in enclosed areas for protection from their enemies.

Also, termites like quiet and dark places that you will rarely notice in their initial state.

You can only discover termites in your outlet when the infestation has been going on for a long time.

At this point, a lot of damage might have occurred.

Also, termites will colonize a particular electrical socket for two reasons. The reasons are water and food.

If a socket is close to water and food, they choose that particular outlet over others.

These will allow them to eat all the wood until you intervene. But if you delay your intervention, it will be too late to repair the damages. Also, moisture is another reason why you find termites in your sockets.

There are termites like dry wood termites, but they prefer dry woods. They are quite different from subterranean termites. The dry wood termites prefer to be in dry woods. The subterranean termites also like decayed wood.

If you always want to keep your home dry, you can use a dehumidifier to keep your house dry.

How Long Can Termites Stay In The Electrical Outlet In The House?

The longevity of termites in an electrical socket depends on four factors. Some of these factors are food, water, temperature, and protection.

Termites can stay in an electrical outlet if food and water are available. But if the main food source for termites is no longer available, they won’t be able to stay for long.

According to research, termites can survive up to 14 days without food. That means if termites do not get access to any cellulose or wood shavings, they will either die or migrate.

Also, termites will die in no time if they do not have access to water or moisture for a few days. They cannot stay longer than two weeks without water.

The next thing I want to talk about is the temperature. The survival of termites also depends on the temperature. If the temperature within the electrical sockets rises higher than 95°F, they will die.

Also, if the temperature drops below 75 °F, they won’t be able to stay for long. That is why, in the US, Alaska is the only state that has not had termite activity going on.

The reason Alaska does not have termites is because of the temperature. The cold usually kills their colonies.

Alaska does not face problems with termites but also wood damage problems. This type of wood damage problem is often caused by carpenter ants.

Since we now know how long termites can stay in an electrical outlet in the house, let’s move on.

Can Termites Cause Electrical Damage In The Outlet?

Yes, termites can cause very serious electrical damage to the outlet. It can lead to electrical failure in the house. Do not take termites for granted; they are very dangerous.

Termites like mice and other pests can cause much damage to the house.

In their quest to find food, they can penetrate the electrical cables in the outlet. It can damage the plastic that protects the cords in the sockets.

When they damage the electric wires to some extent, it can lead to electrical failure in the house.

It becomes disturbing if this incident happens deep in the night and you have no one to help you at that time of the day.

Can Termites Cause An Electrical Shock In An Outlet?

When termites enter any electrical outlet, they build tubes with mud to travel in. Another reason they build mud tubes is for protection from predators.

They also make mud tubes to regulate temperature and moisture. Termites excrete saliva in combination with mud to form mud tubes.

It can be very dangerous when wet mud tubes connect to any naked electrical cable in the sockets.

It can lead to an electrical shock if you attempt to use those electrical sockets or the switch.

The termites in the electrical sockets can penetrate through the electrical wiring. It can cause short circuits in the house. Having a short circuit is a serious thing because that can cause a fire outbreak in the house.

Can Termites Destroy Electronic Equipment?

Yes, termites can destroy electronics if they stay for a long time. In their quest for food, they can eat through the electrical cables. It can lead to a short circuit or electrical failure.

Also, the moisture termites accumulate to build tubes can cause electrical shock. That is why it is not good to entertain termites in your house.

Termites will not only damage your electrical sockets and cables in your house. They can also damage your electronic equipment. They are home destroyers that can turn your house upside down.

You must exterminate termites from your house as soon as you suspect them. When you call exterminators, they will do the job for you.

How To Get Rid Of Termites Coming From Electrical Outlet In The House ( 6 Things You Can Do)

You can do many things to eliminate termites from the house’s electrical outlets.

We will discuss the top six things you can do to help end the termites in the outlet. It will also help stop the spread of termite infestation in the house.

Now fasten your belt, and let’s go through these 6 steps.

Let’s go.

  • Turn Off The Power That Leads To The Affected Area To Get Rid Of Termites From The Electrical Outlet
  • That is an important activity when you discover termites in your electrical outlet. Termites can damage the wires if they stay in an electrical outlet long.

They can do that by destroying the plastic covering the wires with their tunneling power. When this happens, it can lead to electrical failure.

  • Also, termites can build tubes with mud and saliva in the electrical outlet. When the moisture connects to any naked wire in the outlet, it can lead to an electric shock or fire outbreak. That is why it is good to turn off the power.
  • Another reason why it is important to switch off the power is to prevent termites from spreading. The damaged wires in the electrical sockets can electrocute them. That can make them rush out from the outlet to other areas of the house.
  • Seal All Gaps Around The Electrical Outlet To Get Rid Of Termites

The next crucial thing you can do after switching off the power is seal all the gaps around the outlet.

It will help trap all the termites in that particular outlet. When you trap them, they won’t be able to come out or spread to other parts of the house.

Ensure you inspect the affected area well to be sure all the cracks have been well sealed.

You can use a sealant to seal the gaps.

  • Pest Control Professional Can Help You Get Rid Of Termites In Your Outlet

Congratulations! You have switched off the power and sealed the cracks. Do not waste time trying different DIY solutions when faced with this situation.

It is not the time to do trial and error with DIY projects. You can try DIY methods on other pests, like ants and roaches, but not on termites.

It is time to invite a pest control professional to your house to assess the infested area. The professional can tell the degree of damage the termites have caused in your outlet.

They can also tell you what kind of termites you are dealing with. That will help them recommend the best termite treatment for your house.

Sometimes they will do the treatment themselves until they kill all the termites. Other times, they will start the treatment and guide you to continue.

Some treatments can be baiting, boric acid, or fumigation.

  • Clean The Affected Area Very Well To Get Rid Of Termites In The Electrical Outlet

It is something you should not ignore at all. When you start the termite treatment, the next line of action is to take your time to clean the affected area well.

Also, you have to let the pest control officers help you identify and discard damaged items.

There are so many ways you can discard infected items. You can either burn the items or get a recommendation from a professional on how to discard them.

  • Use Recommended Termites Treat To Get Rid Of Termites In The Electrical Outlet

After you get the best termite treatment recommendation, you need to put it into use. Follow all the instructions that come with the treatment to achieve the best results.

If you apply the treatment well, you can eliminate all the termites in the electrical outlet early.

While you apply the treatment, do not forget to check the affected area occasionally. That is to ensure all the termites are dead and no trace of termite activity is happening again.

  • Carry Out Regular Termites Inspection In Your House

If you want to ensure termites don’t return to your house again, then do this. Carry out termite inspections from time to time.

It would help if you invited termite control officers to carry out that inspection.

Final Taught

Termites are insects that disturb homeowners all the time. Their existence in a house can cause a whole family to evacuate.

Some people think termites can’t get into any of their electrical outlets. So they neglect such areas in the house for a long time. They assume we can only see termites on the field or farms.

It is that kind of feeling that makes a lot of people forget about regular home inspections.

Remember, termites are tiny and can sneak into your house anytime. They can pass through the tiniest spaces in your walls to get into your house. The electrical outlet is one of the safest places they can hide from you.

When they enter your house, they will feed on your wood. The cellulose in the wood is their target, and it is the core of the wood in your house. Termites can damage your house if you do not notice their presence early.

Termites in an electrical outlet can destroy the plastic covering the wires. That is also a serious thing that can lead to electrical failure or a fire outbreak in your house.

If you want to save yourself from termites, the best advice is to carry out termite inspections often. Invite a good pest control agency to inspect your home.

Read how you can get rid of ants coming from an outlet here.